Friday, February 02, 2007

Mind of a Madwoman

Ever want to know what intrigues the average madwoman?

Well, check out the new blog feature over yonder on the right.

The other right, doh!


Those blogs, etc., that I read and find incredibly, amazingly, death defyingly [yawn] fascinating will be over there for your perusal.

This will provide a level of insight into the Zooks mindset that is, dare I say it, SHOCKING! SHOCKING! I say.

Embrace the hyperbole. Be one with it.

Warning: these sights may or may not be safe for work.

Ok, who am I kidding, they are most likely NSFW/K/SO, etc.


The management would like to express their gratitude to
for providing the necessary linkage to make this addition to my sleazy fine blog.

P.S. You won't see this feature if you are using bloglines or google reader without actually going to the page. So go there already! And you might need to refresh... might.

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