Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday Madness

There's nothing like getting up on Monday with the best of intentions. I have shopping to do, errands to run, etc.

After running through my normal morning routine: warm beverage, email, bloglines, etc., I suddenly don't feel so hot. A nap is starting to look really good.

A few minutes after landing back in bed I'm overwhelmed by that not so welcome urge to run for the nearest bathroom. Rinse repeat.

Something tells me this won't be a very productive day.


Kate said...

Ugh. That's just no good at all.

Just in case, please don't lick your keyboard, okay? I'm just getting over a cold, I don't need to rinse repeat.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, does the rinsing help?

gadzooks64 said...

Rinsing is fine... the repeat, not so much.