Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Spelling Bee

I had the joy of watching my oldest participate in his school's spelling bee. He'd already won his class bee. His main concern was not going out in the first round.

The announcer decided to do a practice [easy] round first to let the jitters settle down.

[Tear] I'm so proud.

First real round.

Second round! Wooooot! The older students went first and started dropping like flies this round.

And now he falls apart.

He did a great job handling the pressure!

We're all so proud!

Oma, AJ and Opa


Short-Stacked Shamus said...

Awesome. Big congrats!

I still remember the word that knocked me out ("glorious") . . . Was it 3rd grade? I think I missed "thermometer" in another one. Not as easy as it looks. (Ever see Spellbound?)

gadzooks64 said...

He's in third grade and this is/was his first one.

He was totally stressed out about it this morning.

He ended up in 4th. I'm so proud!

MacAnthony said...

Good spelling must have been from the paternal side (how do you spell linux?). I always have blown ass at spelling. Good for him. My oldest son is in third grade too, but they haven't had anything like this. It's a small school and I think he sometimes misses out on things like this.

Anonymous said...

Way to hang, AJ! Maybe you can help your mom -- she has problems spelling words like hot, tourney, probably, and whore.

Now step away from the computer

gadzooks64 said...

Aight you two hawt Linnux using, tunry playing ho-bags need to quit given me chit, pry.

Just sayin.

BTW, ours is a small school, too. Only about 250 students in K-5. Only 3rd-5th grades participate. Two winners from each class for a total of 12 kids. Lasted all of 30 minutes-ish.

MacAnthony said...

My son's school is k-6 and probably almost half that many kids.

MacAnthony said...

BTW, you, shamus and khan need to figure out the whole comments feed thing with blogger. I'm lazy and need information to come to me... :)

gadzooks64 said...

Dream on Mac, dream on.

I so o o o o need that for myself as well.

And, damn, you must live in BFE.