The Lady Killers 10474919-172121 Holdem Limit $1/$2
MICKSTEVENS has $44.50
solbakken has $219.92
jhc3 has $17.50
Trooster has $6.25
jeffhaugen has $4.25
gadzooks64 has $54
lukeduke has $38
bigalski has $41.25
hippie10 has $28.23
jeffhaugen is the dealer.
gadzooks64 posted small blind.
lukeduke posted big blind.
Game [172121] started with 8 players.
Dealing Hole Cards.
Seat 6 : gadzooks64 has 3c 4c
bigalski called $1
hippie10 folded.
jhc3 called $1
Trooster called $1
jeffhaugen called $1
gadzooks64 called $0.50
lukeduke checked.
Dealing flop.
Board cards [Qc 2s Ac]
gadzooks64 bet $1 I bet my draw
lukeduke called $1
bigalski folded.
jhc3 called $1
Trooster called $1
jeffhaugen folded.
Dealing turn.
Board cards [Qc 2s Ac 2c] It gets there, nice redraw too
gadzooks64 bet $2
lukeduke called $2
jhc3 called $2
Trooster folded.
Dealing river.
Board cards [Qc 2s Ac 2c 9s]
gadzooks64 bet $2
lukeduke called $2
jhc3 folded.
Seat 6 : gadzooks64 has 3c 4c
gadzooks64 has Flush AQ432
gadzooks64 wins $19 with Flush AQ432
Hand is over.
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